Pre-construction planning

Effective pre-construction services and planning is the cornerstone of a successful construction project. The Pioneer approach to pre-construction is to serve both the owner and architect as a reliable source of current, complete, and accurate information. This enables the project team to make informed and well-grounded decisions relating to the balance of schedule, cost, and quality while considering not only the initial investment, but also the life cycle cost implications.

Working in collaboration with the project team, we provide insight on innovative and creative construction methods and materials to ensure our clients receive a high-performance facility that maximizes return on investment.


The scope of pre-construction services should be tailored to your needs and goals depending on considerations including project specifics, construction delivery method, and design phase.

  • Detailed Plan & Specification Review
  • Phased Budget Estimates & Value-Engineering Recommendations
  • Structural & Systems Construction Means & Methods Analysis
  • Pre-Construction Scheduling, Logistics, & Sequencing
  • Quality Control & Quality Assurance Set-Up
  • Risk Assessment & Safety Planning
  • Development of Inclusion Strategies
  • Bid Package & Work Scope Development
  • Sub-Contractor Prequalification & Bid Advertisement/Promotion
  • LEED Analysis & Point Evaluation

Comprehensive Construction Services

As a true builder employing over two-hundred talented craft and trade professionals, we offer extensive self-performance abilities that enable us to provide unsurpassed budget, schedule, and quality control.

With expertise in a variety of delivery methods including General Contracting, Design/Build, and Construction Management, we customize our approach based on the specifics of each project and the goals of our clients.

Our commitment to sustainable design and construction, safety, inclusion, and community involvement set us apart in our industry.